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Global blueberry industry continues to expand with demand


A recent report from Rabobank, titled Consistent Quality is the New Blue, gives a glowing overview of the global blueberry industry predicting that fresh blueberry exports are likely to expand steadily during the next few years. It said companies are being pushed to be more productive and more efficient and to consistently provide high-quality fruit. Improved cultivars will also play an increasingly significant role across growing regions.

According to the report, global highbush blueberry planted area surpassed 205,000 hectares in 2020, and production is expected to continue to grow firmly in the next few years. Most of the planted area is still concentrated in the Americas, but the Asia-Pacific region is expanding fast.

North America continues to be a relevant blueberry-growing region, but production shares are shifting, with South America expanding rapidly, and new growing regions also being developed in Europe, Africa, and Asia, the report said.

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